LOMA Fact Sheet for Homeowners

FEMA has created an easy guide that helps homeowners understand the process for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F). This factsheet provides clear instructions on who’s eligible to apply, what should be included in an application, and what happens after you receive a determination letter. CTPs and other mapping partners are encouraged to use this at community meetings such as Open Houses.


The guide can be found on FEMA.gov here: https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/172215.

2019 Arid Regions Conference

Higher Standards: The Value of Floodplain Management

The logo of the National Flood Insurance Program.

View in FEMA Multimedia Library

Flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S., causing millions of dollars of damages each year. Floodplain management can help communities reduce losses, protect valuable economic and natural resources, and, more importantly, save lives. Learn how communities can reduce the physical and financial impacts of future flooding through floodplain management.

Video by Juanita Thompson – Aug 15, 2018

FEMA HMA Cost Share Guide

A challenging component of any hazard mitigation project is putting together the required cost share for FEMA partnered projects.

FEMA has developed a Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost Share Guide for Applicants andSubapplicants applying for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants:  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM), and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA).

The Cost Share Guide compliments the HMA Guidance by providing an overview of the cost sharerequirements for each program and examples of various approaches for cost share strategies, such as donated resources, for the non-Federal cost share.

The Cost Share Guide is available from the FEMA website: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost Share Guide.

SC Hazards and Vulnerabilities Research Institute

FEMA has highlighted the work being done by the University of South Carolina Hazards and Vulnerabilities Research Center in a recent Mitigation Best Practices article. The article highlights work being conducted by students and faculty in coordination with the South Carolina Emergency Management Division. 

Environmental Issues of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds Related to the Gold King Mine Spill

The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (NM WRRI) will host a two-day conference in May 2016 to facilitate the exchange of data and ideas among four states, three Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regions, two Tribes, and numerous local and municipal agencies and public water systems. The conference will bring together an estimated 200 participants to gain a better understanding of the theme of the conference, Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds with Emphasis on Gold King Mine and other Mine Waste Issues. The NM WRRI will coordinate all aspects of the conference with the guidance of a planning committee comprised of representatives from some of the sponsoring entities. These sponsors include: NM WRRI, New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), New Mexico State University (NMSU), University of New Mexico (UNM), New Mexico Tech (NM Tech), New Mexico Bureau of Geology (NM BOG), City of Farmington, San Juan County, City of Aztec, San Juan Soil & Water Conservation District, and the San Juan Watershed Group.

The goal of the conference is to disseminate information and results from monitoring and research efforts in the Animas San Juan watershed. Particularly relevant topics to be featured at the conference include:

  • Geology, minerology, ore bodies and natural sources of contamination
  • Analysis of Animas and San Juan watersheds as a result of Gold King Mine spill
  • Effects of acid mine drainage after more than a century of mining
  • Effects of historical spill events
  • Effects of the Gold King Mine spill
  • Differentiating geologic and historical contaminants from Gold King Mine spill contaminants
  • Transport and fate of mining contaminants in the Animas and San Juan watersheds
  • Contaminant uptake into the food web
  • Mining contaminant impacts on surface water, sediment, groundwater, agriculture, livestock, wildlife, and humans
  • Long-term monitoring
  • Existing corrective measures to control mine seepage and hydraulic consequences
  • Options for additional source control, spill prevention, and remediation
  • E. coli and other organisms in nutrients

The conference will support the activities outlined in the Long-Term Monitoring Plan: Evaluating the Effects of the Gold King Mine Wastewater Spill in Northern New Mexico, prepared by the State of New Mexico’s Long-Term Impact Review Team (draft report, October 20, 2015). The conference will bring together academics, agencies, representatives, and community members and provide a forum for addressing concerns and questions over the Gold King Mine spill and the continuing monitoring efforts.

NFIP Video Tutorial

More changes are coming to the National Flood Insurance Program.

This new video summarizes the changes to the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual that took effect on April 1, 2016. Many of these changes are a result of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 and the continued implementation of Biggert-Waters 2012.

What You Will Learn
Significant recent changes to the NFIP covered in this video include:

  • Elimination of subsidies for certain Pre-FIRM properties with policies that lapse and are reinstated
  • Further guidance for determining building occupancy
  • Revised definition for business buildings
  • Additional instructions for Pre-FIRM buildings that were substantially improved on or after April 1, 2015
  • Updated Elevation Certificate and Non-Residential Floodproofing Certificate

Suggested Additional Reading
FEMA periodically issues WYO Program Bulletins related to legislative changes and clarifications to the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual. FEMA recently published Bulletin W-16032 – October 1, 2016 Program Changes.

Free Online Flood Insurance Courses
The NFIP offers free online courses covering basic and advanced flood insurance topics through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute’s Independent Study Program. Visit the NFIP Training pages for agents orclaims adjusters for course details, or view this list of NFIP coursesoffered through the Independent Study Program.

149 TADD Signs

We currently have the locations of 149 Turn Around Don’t Drown signs on the NM TADD website and interactive map. Thank you to all of the local floodplain adiminstrators who are helping to install these signs in your community.