2019 Arid Regions Conference
Water Issues in the Arid Southwest
NMFMA is hosting the Arid West Conference at the Hotel Albuquerque, April 16-19, 2019.
The New Mexico Floodplain Managers Association (NMFMA) and the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) are requesting submittal of abstracts for presentations at the 2019 Arid Regions Conference to be held April 16-19, 2018, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. You can contribute to making this an exceptional conference by participating with a presentation. This year’s agenda will be focused on three tracks: Arid Regions Floodplain Management Issues, Arid Regions Stream Restoration/Riverine Erosion Mitigation Techniques, and Technical Approaches to Flood Risk Mapping in Arid Environments. Share your story on water issues in the southwest: What issue did you address? How did you do it? What challenges did you encounter? How can our attendees learn from your experience? What technical tools do you use and how do you use them?
To submit your proposal please go to this link:
Arid Regions Abstract Submission Form and send the completed form to Alandren Etlantus .
The following information will be required: presentation title, author(s): name, contact information and brief bio (150 words max for bio), track; and abstract (300words max for abstract).
Conference information or to register for the conference can be found on the NMFMA Website
Contact Alandren Etlantus with questions.